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I wish I knew then what I know now!

Nutrition is the base and one of the most important factors when it comes to performance in and out of the gym!
As an athlete I thought I needed to eat some fruit and maybe a veggie or two to be considered “healthy” As an athlete, our gym parents did an excellent job at making sure every competition we were fueled with carbs and protein, but being young and ignorant I would always reach for the blueberry muffin over the fruit and oatmeal 🤦🏼‍♀️
Today I make consuming the proper amount of carbs and and protein an absolute priority and wanted to bring that same knowledge and practices to the athletes that I coach!

I started 10.0 Nutrition at the start of 2021 and made it my mission to bring the knowledge of how to optimizing health, performance and day to day living in and out of the gym. My goal is to teach athletes at all ages how to properly  fuel their bodies and create sustainable habits that will last a lifetime! I decided to partner up with Salto to bring personalized Nutrition Coaching Programs to a broader spectrum of athletes!  

We are looking for athletes at all stages of their career who are eager to learn how to fuel their bodies appropriately and set themselves apart from the competition. We encourage any individual who is dedicated and passionate about becoming the healthiest and most elite version of themselves to become apart of our team.

Our goal is to teach you how to not only live a healthier lifestyle, but thrive throughout your daily life! Contact us today with any questions! We look forward to working with you!

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Nutrition by Salto Consultation

What our personalized programs offer

  • 60 Minute Macronutrient Consultation (In person or over zoom/facetime)

  • Personalized Macronutrient Prescription based off your needs and goals

  • Nutrition Goal Setting Template

  • Access to Nutrition by Salto Private Facebook Group for life

  • On-going accountability and support via Private Facebook Group Access

  • Nutrition E-Book

  • 1 Plan Example with your personal macronutrient prescription

  • Tutorial on how to track your food for your personal macro distribution

  • Season specific nutrition guide

Free Nutrition and Sport Download
Fuel for Success Nutrition Guidebook